POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : Predict photon and memory use? : Re: Predict photon and memory use? Server Time
2 Nov 2024 17:21:05 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Predict photon and memory use?  
From: Nathan Kopp
Date: 7 Jun 1999 23:01:11
Message: <375C86DA.ECA6DFBD@Kopp.com>
Yes.  For an example, let's say your separation is 0.01 and you want to change
it to 0.005.  Imagine you're shooting at a 1x1 square.  With 0.01 separation,
you have a grid of 100x100 photons, or 10,000 photons.  Now, if you have a
separation of 0.005, you increase to 200x200 photons, or 40,000 photons total.

This means that if you halve the spacing, you get 4 times the number of
photons.  If you use 1/3 the spacing, you will have 9 times the number of
photons.  If you scale the spacing by 1/n, you will get n*n times as many


ingo wrote:
> After a testrender at low resolution with and a low amount of photons shot, is
> it possible to predict/calculate the amount of photons and memory used at a
> higher resolution and with more photons? And how about parse time.
> --
> Met dank aan de muze met het glazen oog.

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